Unlocking the Power of Dialogue: The GUM Method for Socratic Podcasting
Here at GUM, we love making curiosity irresistible. Today, we're excited to share our custom approach to podcasting, designed to transform each episode into a dynamic and engaging dialogue. At the heart of our strategy lies a modern twist on the ancient Socratic Method, refined and tailored specifically for the podcasting world. Here's how we do it:
Step 1: Set Your Sights
Every episode begins with a clear vision. What’s the big idea?
Whether we're dissecting emerging trends, confronting societal issues, or uncovering hidden truths, the goal is to foster understanding and spark curiosity. This initial clarity sets the direction for the questions we’ll explore.
Step 2: Craft the Canvas
In-depth research is crucial, but here at GUM Audio, we go a step further. We create a "Question Canvas"—
a structured map of thought-provoking questions designed to open up the conversation. These aren’t just any questions; they’re carefully crafted to challenge assumptions and encourage deep thinking.
Step 3: Curate the Right Minds
The magic happens in the meeting of minds. We work with clients to embody the best traits of a host: explorers and thinkers, eager to dive into the depths of discussion.
Just because someone is an expert, or has a book published, doesn’t mean they are necessarily the most dynamic person to have on a show.
Step 4: Engage in Dynamic Dialogue
Our episodes are conversations, not interviews
We use our Question Canvas as a flexible guide rather than a strict script, allowing the dialogue to flow naturally and veer into new learning territories. This fluidity is key to uncovering unique insights and keeping the audience engaged.
Step 5: Listen Deeply, Adapt Quickly
True to the Socratic spirit, we encourage our hosts to listen deeply. We go through a process of turning off your phones and your notifications.
Nothing else matters except the conversation you’re having right now. Just be present with the other person. If you’re present, then your listener will sense this and be present as well.
Step 6: Create Space to Reflect and Synthesize
Core to the show structure are moments to reflect, synthesize and ponder what’s being discussed
It’s not just a recap summary, it could involve music or sonic cues to stimulate the listener to recall and process what’s being discussed.